The slide show above shows a dropped kerb we installed in Brixham. It was a tarmac dropped kerb with concrete rear edgings set onto a new concrete bed. We needed to follow the style of the rest of the road using a concrete quadrant kerb and laying the tarmac up to the road edge.

Torbay Drop Kerbs - Tarmac dropped kerb crossover installation

Before starting to dig out at a dropped kerb installation at Deer Park Avenue in Teignmouth. 

Torbay Drop Kerbs - Tarmac dropped kerb crossover installation

Dropped kerbs installed at Deer Park Avenue Teignmouth.

Torbay Drop Kerbs - Tarmac dropped kerb crossover installation

Our finished tarmac dropped kerb installation at Deer Park Avenue in Teignmouth.

Torbay Drop Kerbd concrete dropped kerb crossover paignton

Before starting to dig out a concrete dropped kerb extension in Gibson Road Paignton.

Torbay Drop Kerbd concrete dropped kerb crossover paigntonTorbay Drop Kerbd concrete dropped kerb crossover paignton

Above is the final result of a crossover we installed on Gibson Road in Paignton to allow the customer to get on and off their driveway. We used two new quadrant kerbs, dug out to 250mm depth, spread and compacted 150mm of type 1 road stone, 100mm granite concrete, floated and applied a brushed finish as required by council/highways spec, followed by a tidy hand troweled front edge.

Torbay Drop Kerbs concrete dropped kerb crossover roselands paignton

Before starting to dig out a dropped kerb in Paignton where the customer wanted to be able to drive on and off the parking area.

Torbay Drop Kerbs concrete dropped kerb crossover roselands paignton

We always do a thorough dig out to the correct highway specification for our dropped kerb installation. Many a time we have seen other contractors just skim the surface off and not dig down to the correct depth  or put any new hard-core in. We have a great relationship with the councils which we don't risk jeopardising by doing half effort dig outs.

Torbay Drop Kerbs concrete dropped kerb crossover roselands paignton

Above is a concrete dropped kerb we installed in Paignton to allow the customer to get on and off their driveway. We go a few extra steps to get the surface really nice and flat, the brush lines straight and even, and the nice trowel edge along the front for maximum tidiness.

Torbay Drop Kerbs tarmac dropped kerb crossover teignmouth

A tarmac dropped kerb we completed on Fourth Avenue Teignmouth to allow the customer to get on and off their driveway. We re-used granite kerbs to keep the foot path looking original with the rest of the road. 

  Loading rubble using one of our grab lorries at a block paved driveway installation in Paignton.